We add functionality to our products in line with customer demands or by closely following sectoral consumption trends.

We are working hard to appeal to all consumer groups. In this context we can produce our fruit puree pieces with seeds such as chia and quinoa, with fiber and protein added, or as a fruit-vegetable mix.

We sweeten our products with sugar or apple juice concentrate and transform them into a form suitable for your recipe thus aim to meet the end consumer demands of our customers in the best way possible.


All of our products are produced in accordance with the requirements of quality control systems, at low temperatures and under hygienic conditions in order to protect the nutrients and to offer high quality products to our customers. Contrary to traditional drying methods, with our drying process that happens in controlled ovens, we provide our customers with very low risk products both in terms of microbiological and foreign matter content.

Thanks to the production technique we use in our infused fruits, the fruits are presented to the customer with a very juicy form, in a form between fresh fruit and dried fruit, carrying the characteristics of fresh fruit in terms of color and appearance, and with a shelf life of 12 months.
